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Small Animals or "Pocket Pets"
The shelter occasionally receives birds, hedgehogs, chinchillas, snakes, ferrets, turtles, and spiders (yes, we have had a tarantula before), you name it, we might get it. If it flies, scurries, crawls, hops, wiggles, slithers, or strolls, you may find it at our shelter!
Adoptions can happen quickly, and we never know what type of pocket pet will stroll through our doors. We encourage you to stop by frequently to view our small pets we call “Pocket Pets.”
View all of our adorable small pets below.
See a pocket pet below you’d like to apply for? Click on that specific pet and click the “Apply for Adoption” button.
The Humane Society of Charles County (HSCC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that relies completely on private donations and its own fundraising abilities to operate. We do not receive any federal, state, or government funding nor any funds from national animal welfare organizations to operate.