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Lost Pets Currently at our Shelter
A lost pet is an animal that already has a family. Lost pets come to us in many ways. Sometimes, we are mistakenly brought community cats looking to return home to their colony.
Animals are occasionally left with no information. In these cases, we list them as stray without knowing who left them in our care. In most cases, wonderful community members have taken on the responsibility to ensure that a pet found unattended in the community is in caring and loving hands.
The hope for all lost pets is to return to a loving home. After several days, lost pets are evaluated for adoption without any family member placing a claim on the lost pet.
Lost Pets in Our Care
The Humane Society of Charles County (HSCC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that relies completely on private donations and its own fundraising abilities to operate. We do not receive any federal, state or government funding or any funds from any national animal welfare organizations to operate.