Discount Spay & Neuter Services
Funding has been awarded to the Humane Society of Charles County from the Maryland Department of Agriculture. This grant is designed to assist low-income families in the Charles County area with affordable spay/neuter for their pet dogs and cats. We, unfortunately, do not offer free or reduced-cost spay/neuter for other types of pets, nor do we offer vouchers for non-Maryland residents.
- Residents of Charles County with a household income of less than $77,000 may qualify for FREE Spay/Neuter
- Charles County and select zip codes in Prince George’s County qualification (living in Charles County Residents, and residents of select zip codes in PG County (Upper Marlboro, Clinton, and Fort Washington) with a household income of less than $77,000. Included PG County zip codes are 20772, 20735, 20744, 20607, and 20613
Application Process
- We are currently working with Paw Prints Animal Hospital to continue providing these services. We currently are not offering spay and neuter services through our clinic, and we will update if this situation changes.
- Fill out the application below, including proof of income and proof of Rabies vaccination, if current.
- Someone will reach out to you regarding your application as well as your appointment, if approved. You will then be provided a phone number to schedule your appointment at your convenience.
Email DiscountSpay@humanesocietycc.org, if you have any further questions about the free and reduced Spay/Neuter services for dogs and cats.