Healthy Pet Clinic
The HSCC Healthy Pet Clinics are a perfect way to keep your pets healthy and up to date on essential preventative care at affordable costs. All Healthy Pet Clinics are by appointment only in order to provide your pet with the very best service. Appointments can be made by clicking the scheduling button and following directions to schedule a time slot at the next available clinic.
We are only in the office Monday thru Thursday from 8am to 6pm. If you leave a message by phone or email we will get back to you during office hours. Pets who are boarding with us must be current on vaccines, however surgical procedures can not be done during a boarding stay. We try to have several healthy pet clinics a month which is a good time to get your pet updated on vaccines prior to boarding with us.
Healthy Pet Clinic Details
Heathly Pet Clinics - appointments available, currently every Wednesday
- Healthy Pet Clinics offer all services
- To schedule an appointment please click the Healthy Pet scheduling link.
- If you try to make an appointment and no dates show up then we are booked up. Just keep checking the website as we are unable to keep a cancelation list.
- There is a $20 office visit charged for every pet seen at the healthy pet clinics. There is a $20 deposit that will be applied to the balance at the time of service. It is non-refundable and will be converted to a donation if you do not keep your appointment.
- If your pet is having any problems such as ear issues, skin issues, eye issues, etc. you MUST take your pet to a regular facility. This is a HEALTHY PET clinic only.
- Heartworm Preventatives: You must show proof that your pet has had a negative test within the current year.
- If you are requesting a Feline Leukemia vaccine, you must show proof of a negative test within the last month. Testing will be available at your appointment.
- Please pay attention to what you are signing up for. If you select something on the list that is not offered at the clinic you signed up for it WILL NOT be done.
- For help scheduling an appointment please call 301-645-8181
Current Healthy Pet Clinic Prices
Office visit Fee (automatic) | $40 |
Rabies vaccine | $20 |
Canine Distemper DA2PP vaccine | $35 |
Canine Distemper DA2PP w/Lepto Vaccine | $45 |
Bordetella (kennel cough) | $35 |
Feline Distemper FVCRP vaccine | $35 |
Feline Leukemia vaccine | $35 |
Lyme vaccine (dogs only) | $35 |
4Dx Heartworm test | $40 |
Cat Fiv/Felv test | $45 |
Microchip | $30 |
Nail Trim | $15 |
Milbeguard Heartworm prevention (dogs only) | 6 for $40 |
Vectra 3D Flea/Tick prevention for dogs | $20 or 3/$40 + tax |
Catego Flea/Tick prevention for cats | $15 or 3/$30+ tax |
Pre-surgical bloodwork (pre-anesthesia) | $150 |
General health bloodwork panel | $160 |
Senior bloodwork panel | $180 |
Urinalysis | $60 |
If you need a copy of your medical records please select the button below and it will be emailed to you or can be texted to you.